Monster School is a popular Minecraft animation series that follows a group of students attending a school for monsters. The series features various episodes where the students learn and have fun while navigating through the challenges of school. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at all the seasons of Monster School and what they have to offer.
Season 1 – The first season of Monster School introduces us to the main characters and their teachers. The students learn basic skills such as parkour, archery, and potion-making. The season features 13 episodes, and each one is filled with humor and excitement.
Season 2 – In the second season, the students take on more advanced challenges. They learn how to fight against mobs, survive in the Nether, and explore the End dimension. The season features 16 episodes, and the animation quality is noticeably improved from the first season.
Season 3 – The third season of Monster School focuses on teamwork and cooperation. The students work together to complete various challenges such as building a castle and surviving a zombie invasion. The season features 18 episodes, and the students’ bonds with each other are strengthened throughout the season.
Season 4 – In the fourth season, the students face even tougher challenges. They encounter new mobs such as witches, guardians, and elder guardians. They also learn how to use redstone and build complex structures. The season features 20 episodes, and the animation quality continues to improve.
Season 5 – The fifth and final season of Monster School is arguably the best one yet. The students face their biggest challenge yet as they try to defeat the Ender Dragon. They also learn how to use elytra and explore the outer islands. The season features 22 episodes, and it’s a fitting conclusion to the series.
In conclusion, Monster School is a fantastic Minecraft animation series that’s suitable for all ages. With its humor, excitement, and heartwarming moments, it’s no wonder it has become so popular. Whether you’re a fan of Minecraft or just looking for some wholesome entertainment, Monster School is definitely worth checking out.